OSHWA’s primary activities include hosting the annual Open Hardware Summit and maintaining the Open Source Hardware certification, which allows the community to quickly identify and represent hardware that complies with the community definition of open source hardware.
The purposes and activities this organization aims to do are as follows:
Organize conferences and community events
Educate the general public about open source hardware and its socially beneficial uses.
Organize the open source hardware movement around shared values and principles.
Collect, compile and publish data on the Open Source Hardware movement.
Provide a painless way for creators to indicate that their products meet a standard for open-source compliance.
Many thanks to the hours of IT volunteer work by Thea Flowers, Kelly Maguire, and George Shammas.
Many thanks to Aaron Williamson at the Software Freedom Law Center for acting as our legal advisor.
Many thanks to Per Andersson who donated the URL oshw.org to us for the good of the movement.